
Data Reliability Assessment

How the assessment is conducted

During the assessment we will ask you questions to several topics that are connected with or that influence your organizations data reliability.

The assessment is split in two different parts. 

You can either answer the first part only to get a basic idea about your data reliability status. 

Or you answer some more questions to additional topics, to refine the assessment and to get a more comprehensive report.

Part 1 - Basic Assessment

Data Health
Rate your organizations overall data health and the impact quality issues have.
Data Quality Processes
Answer questions to quality metrics, processes and tools.
System Integrity & Reliability
This is about understanding the reliability of the systems that process your data.

Part 2 - Advanced Assessment (optional)

Data Strategy & Governance
Questions about how your organization approaches data specific tasks.
Data Access & Privacy
Answer some questions about how you secure important information.
Data Cataloging & Documentation
All questions about documentation and meta data management.

Let's start with the obligatory legal question before we can assess your data health status!

Data Health

These questions are to assess your current data health status and the impact data issues have.

How would you rate the overall health of your organization's data?

Which of the following issues have you encountered regarding your data health in the past year?

(Choose all that apply)

Impact on Organization

The following questions are to assess the impact of data issues on your organization, clients and processes.

How good is your organization able to make reliable decisions based on data?

Did your organization face data errors or rework due to bad data?

Have your clients been affected by issues originating from bad data?

Was (or is) the efficiency of your business processes and workflows affected by data issues?

How frequently do data quality issues lead to missed business opportunities?

Your progress...

Part 1 - Basic Assessment

Data Health
Rate your organizations overall data health and the impact quality issues have.
Data Quality Processes
Answer questions to quality metrics, processes and tools.
System Integrity & Reliability
This is about understanding the reliability of the systems that process your data.

Part 2 - Advanced Assessment (optional)

Data Strategy & Governance
Questions about how your organization approaches data specific tasks.
Data Access & Privacy
Answer some questions about how you secure important information.
Data Cataloging & Documentation
All questions about documentation and meta data management.

Data Quality Processes

The following questions are to assess your data quality processes.

Metrics & KPI's

Does your organization have defined data quality metrics or KPI's?

Are data quality metrics regularly tracked and reported?

Processes (not tools!)

How frequently is data quality assessed?

How are data quality issues identified (proactively or reactively)?

What's your organizations ability to address identified data issues?

Do you invest in actions for continuous data reliability improvement?


Are automated data quality checks or rules implemented?

Do you use data quality monitoring tools?

Your progress...

Part 1 - Basic Assessment

Data Health
Rate your organizations overall data health and the impact quality issues have.
Data Quality Processes
Answer questions to quality metrics, processes and tools.
System Integrity & Reliability
This is about understanding the reliability of the systems that process your data.

Part 2 - Advanced Assessment (optional)

Data Strategy & Governance
Questions about how your organization approaches data specific tasks.
Data Access & Privacy
Answer some questions about how you secure important information.
Data Cataloging & Documentation
All questions about documentation and meta data management.

Systems Integrity & Reliability

The following questions are to find out how you ensure the integrity and reliability of your data processing systems.

System Monitoring

How frequently are your data systems monitored for correct operation?

What kind of monitoring do you use?

Development & Change Management

These questions assess how your development team (internal or contractors) handle the implementation or change of data products/systems.

How would you rate the way how changes to data systems are managed?

How does your organization ensure the quality of data systems during development?

How do you ensure that newly released systems or updates do not introduce data inconsistencies or errors?

Do you invest in technology for quality assurance during the development or release phase?

Your basic assessment report is ready

You answered all questions we need to generate your basic assessment report.

Now we need some very basic personal information, so we can send you the report to your inbox.

First name
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Last name
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Please enter an answer
Please enter an answer

Your progress...

Part 1 - Basic Assessment

Data Health
Rate your organizations overall data health and the impact quality issues have.
Data Quality Processes
Answer questions to quality metrics, processes and tools.
System Integrity & Reliability
This is about understanding the reliability of the systems that process your data.

Part 2 - Advanced Assessment (optional)

Data Strategy & Governance
Questions about how your organization approaches data specific tasks.
Data Access & Privacy
Answer some questions about how you secure important information.
Data Cataloging & Documentation
All questions about documentation and meta data management.

Data Strategy & Governance

The following questions are to assess your data strategy that forms the foundation for your data reliability and measures to enhance data quality.

How would you describe the maturity of your organization's data strategy and vision?

How confident are you that your current data strategy aligns with the organization's broader goals and objectives?

Who is primarily responsible for defining and updating the data strategy?

Who in the organization is informed about, trained on, and equipped to execute and follow the data strategy?

(Choose all that apply)

Your progress...

Part 1 - Basic Assessment

Data Health
Rate your organizations overall data health and the impact quality issues have.
Data Quality Processes
Answer questions to quality metrics, processes and tools.
System Integrity & Reliability
This is about understanding the reliability of the systems that process your data.

Part 2 - Advanced Assessment (optional)

Data Strategy & Governance
Questions about how your organization approaches data specific tasks.
Data Access & Privacy
Answer some questions about how you secure important information.
Data Cataloging & Documentation
All questions about documentation and meta data management.

Data Access & Privacy

How would you rate the maturity of your organization's data access and privacy concept?

How does your organization validate that the data access concept has been implemented correctly and securely?

How frequently do you audit and validate data access permissions?

How do you handle the revocation of access permissions when roles change or employees leave the organization?

Your progress...

Part 1 - Basic Assessment

Data Health
Rate your organizations overall data health and the impact quality issues have.
Data Quality Processes
Answer questions to quality metrics, processes and tools.
System Integrity & Reliability
This is about understanding the reliability of the systems that process your data.

Part 2 - Advanced Assessment (optional)

Data Strategy & Governance
Questions about how your organization approaches data specific tasks.
Data Access & Privacy
Answer some questions about how you secure important information.
Data Cataloging & Documentation
All questions about documentation and meta data management.

Meta data, Cataloging & Documentation

Data Cataloging

Do you use any tools or platforms for data cataloging?

How accessible is the data catalog to relevant people?


Does your organization have a formal process for documenting data products and data processing tasks?

How well are key performance indicators (KPIs), measures and reports documented?

How accessible is the documentation to relevant people?

We're done! 🎉

Please press the following button to submit your assessment answers so we can build your assessment report.

Thank you for submitting our data reliability assessment 🎉

You will receive your assessment report to the E-Mail-Address you provided within the next 72 hours.


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